
Best way to get rid of acne?

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my son has severe acne on his face, he starts high school in one week, I have tried every medicine known to man what would be the best way to rid of this problem that he has been carrying for little over a year. what could be the cause of his troubles, he has such low self esteem




  1. I for sure would take him to see a dermatologist. they specialize in treating acne with tried and true meds. that will fix his problem once and for all. He shouldn't be picked on because of this. please take him. You don't want a worse problem to arise over a low self esteem when it can be easily remedied.. He'll love you for it. All kids should have friends. help him do so.. Dermatologist are the only ones with up to date meds. over the counter just won't work. good luck hope this helps you & especially him. The acne is hormonal pubertity....

  2. buy some organic or natural skin care products from your nearby..

  3. I recommend using a tea tree soap bar twice a day. Then after apply Tea Tree Oil. It is natural and the oil is an antiseptic so it kills germs on your skin. It doesn’t dry out my face or clog pores. I have been using it for a few months and my skin is 100% different. Make sure you use it everyday. You will see results in a week. You can buy it at health stores and one brand I use is “Thursday Plantation”. It is about 15$. I highly recommend this practice. Good luck

  4. 1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash.

    2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary.

    3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days.

    For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check

  5. pro-active has come up with a high level of whatever it is... I did proactive for all of my high school years and was picked on (YES PICKED ON) for being a teen using proactive. However it was MUCH better than being an oily greasy pimply junior.

    I stayed with a family for an internship in 2005.. the son refused to use his Proactive b/c "it doesnt work" he wouldnt use the renewal cream... thought it would make him greasy.

    I noticed in the past year that it wasn't working so great for me... HOWEVER they have come up with a stronger formula... they go from 2.5 to 7.0 in (I wanna say it is) benzoil peroxzide.  

  6. ok, the best thing for you to do is book an appointment for the doctors, not a dermatologist a GP and ur local doctors. just go in explain the problem, he will have to be there obvioulsy and they will hopefully give him some tablets or some cream that will really work. i have the exact same problem but instead i am the sufferer, my mum booked me an appointment yesterday. im reallly nervous but the thought of clear skin is getting me through it.

    best of luck to u both  

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