
Best way to get rid of man b***s and ''love handles'' ??

by  |  earlier

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Hey, they're pretty much the two parts of my body i hate most, can anyone please give me any idea to get rid of them? because they seem impossible to get rid of!!




  1. loose wieght by exercising

  2. I think thats a no brainer!! Go on a diet and exercise.

  3. Start doing press ups and ditch the junk food.

  4. stop eating so much

  5. diet and work out duh

  6. Exercise...but in the mean time, buy a bra!!

  7. Eat less, exercise more.

  8. Low fat, low calorie diet. Cardio 3-4-5 times a week.

  9. try this...hope it helps!:

  10. my bst friend cameron was just like that then he started working out and know he has six packs and is very s**y and my new boyfriend

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