
Best way to get rid of rust stains?

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I have some rust stains on my toilet and by my toilet on the floor. I tried using comet and a brush to try getting it off, but it won't work. What are some other methods or products I can use?





  1. Try a brillo pad.

  2. Try that "CRL" (Calcium, rust lime) solution, you can find it at hardware stores.

  3. the "works" toilet bowl cleaner. drain the water from toilet pour it on the rust stains and let it sit a bit, if it is really bad try using a non-abrasive scrubbing pad with it....wear rubber gloves it burns your hands. you can also use it around the toilet as well, be careful to rinse it well after you get it clean.

  4. i havent tried any of these but i thinck

    coke (soda)



    i dont know if any of them work, but GOOD LUCK

  5. are you sure its rust not hard water build up? get a pumice stone they have them with hanles now and they work great alone no cleaner or after you disinfeact with ajax

  6. Whink rust remover. It will also remove iron or rust stains from white clothing. Comet has bleach, bleach will not remove rust staind.

  7. Rust Aide (Home Depot) careful, its basically muratic acid.  Works great on the fiberglass on my boat.

  8. Nothing beats CLR for this purpose.  Available at most hardware stores.

  9. CLR....rust remover great

  10. You need a product from your local grocery store or hard ware store called CLR, others have mentioned it and this is the FIX ALL for many unsightly rust stains and mildew marks.  You'll never be without a jug of it at home after you see how good it cleans things up.

  11. COKE COLA really it works

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