
Best way to get some nice abs?

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I know sit ups and crunches do it, but i dont really see any results.

how long before it kicks in and how much should i do?




  1. Do the modern "push up"

    Get in to push-up position, but put your right hand in a fist and cover it with your left hand. Then hold yourself up on your arms [elbows]

    Do it for as long as you can, try doing it to music.

    I did this for a week and already I see a difference.

    Ps- Hold yourself up in a plank.. Completely straight for the best results.

  2. I have a fun abdominal exercise which you may or may not like... But you could try it out (And i have a 6 pack, but not like ripped, so it might work for you)

    Make sure you've got a lot of room on a carpeted floor. Sit indian style with your hands clamped to you legs (shins) and roll around the floor. Because you're not using your arms and legs, you only using momentum and abs to roll. Do it for like 10 minutes during a tv show until a commercial break.

    By the way, it took me about 2 weeks to get the 6 pack. And I would recommend you do it maybe 2-3 times a day.

    Hope this helps, and Good Luck!!!

  3. It will only be a complete success if you combine the crunches with running dashes or sprints.  Run 3-4 dashes a few times a week and this will help burn off the layer of fat covering your abs.  You also need to watch your fat content and avoid sitting for long periods of time...avoid lounging.   Good luck!

  4. the dvd- Hip Hop Ads -itseasyy fun and guides you through every step tohavingg hot lookin abs good luck hope it works

    can sum 1 answer my Question s;...

  5. Laugh alot. I am serious. If you don't believe me try laughing out loud right this very minute. ha ha ha ha ha. There, you feel that? You feel your muscles in your tummy tighten as you do this. So before you leave your bed each morning, start the day off first with a couple of good laughs and slowly as you can raise the top half of your body while keeping your back straight, pressing the bottom of your lower back and hips into your mattress which is preferably nice and firm, breath out doing the haha. ahahaha.

    Rise only as high as the 5th ha and repeat in reverse back down only breath in as you lower to lay straight instead of breathing out. Don't worry about bringing your elbows to your knees yet until you try this for awhile, moving as slow and smoothly as you can with your arms behind your head.  Just like crunches but with a slight change in the routine.  You will see and feel the remarkable difference in tension and kinetic movement of those muscles. Perhaps just recognizing that odd and funky but very nice feeling may help you get the results you seek a little quicker.





  8. the muscles underneath may be developed, but they will never show if you have a layer of fat on top of them. people that are super low on body fat can have abs with very little exercise. i'd recommend lots of aerobic exercise, to burn loads of calories, maybe cut down on calorie intake, and watch what types of food you eat/drink. it is not easy depending on your body type, but basically you have to lose the majority of your body fat.

  9. lloll ^^^^^^^

  10. while doing sit ups and other abdominal workouts, braace your abs. you can also do this by just sitting down. i tightens your abs

    help me?;...  thanks.

  11. Having a father and mother who have nice abs. An awful lot of physique development is dependent on heredity . So don't go killing your self to lose weight or to build muscle.  Do the "push-a-way" from the dinner table at every meal followed with moderate exercise throughout the week  and you will stay in shape.

  12. an  excellent  exercise,  you  can do it in front of your TV: sit on a

    stool,  and  put  your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,

    for  example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make sure

    that  it  is  not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or you

    will  damage  your  back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of your

    body  back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second and

    move it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week add

    to  the  number  of  repetitions.  You will see the results in a week,

    guaranteed! You will see or feel under the fat - if you have any - six

    pack  and  muscles.  Dumbbells  do  wonders.  Much  better  than these crunches  -  I  came  up to three hundreds and there was no results AT ALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.

  13. Sit ups dont work. Crunches do.

  14. you need to burn the layers of fat that are covering your already have good abs. the way you burn fat is cardio. if you are already doing cardio step it up! =)

  15. you have to do with some heavy weights  

    keep working out that all

  16. it takes a while.

    it also depends on your age, height, and weight.

  17. bicycle crunches

  18. it takes a long time

  19. my ab excessive is a little complicated so listen well: you have to be laying on the floor and lift you legs (don`t bend them) and as they`re going down, separate them and get them back together when they`re near the floor (without touching the floor), then get the up again and as they`re going up, separate them and get them back together when they`re up high and get them down again (together). Do this 5 times.

  20. Learn to do standing back flips.  Two or three of them in a row is like a thousand sit ups.

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