
Best way to get started in football?

by Guest45071  |  earlier

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Best way to get started in football?




  1. play

  2. Just go join a team, and keep your self healthy by not eating non-healthy food. :)

  3. Dude great way to lose points.

  4. Run often. If your joining a freshman team, then watch the varsity team practice and pick up on moves the freshmen coaches may not teach you. Just absorb as much as you can, and use what works for you. I, for example, didn't do anything the way is was taught in high school, and I made Linemen of the year on offense and defense and was invited to play in the all-star game. Knowledge of the game is key.

  5. Ok, if you're under, 18, go to your schools field, the should be playing games, there, just play, but you should play if youre in highschool, start lifting weights, run everyday, and just play you're heart out.......

  6. play the game. duh

  7. The Earth tells me "get started".

    -I have spoken.

  8. First you need to consult a coach about what training practices and excercises to begin.  Then once your coach has told you then you need to begin.  You want to start off with a proper diet, proper excercies, and some form of weight training.  Once you have that down then you need to go back to the coach and become familiar with training drills.. If you do not have access to a coach you can always go online and look up ways to get started in football.

    Here is a helpful link that should help you get started with the terms...

    I wasn't able to find anything dealing with specific workouts or diets, but I encourage to do more research and ask a local football coach..  

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