
Best way to get what you want?

by Guest64101  |  earlier

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How can I get my husband to let me have a puppy and for it to be in the house? He is so against the idea. Any sneaky ideas?




  1. haha, when i lived with my grandma, i brought home a kitten and told her i found it outside. she couldn't help but want to keep it.

  2. take him to a shelter so he can all those poor dogs that want to be adopted, that's how i made my dad get me a puppy.;]

  3. haha. hopefully if you found a way to get it in he would still love it and be affectionate...Hopefully he wouldn't be too oppossed to it and get sucked into the "cuteness" of a puppy. If he is too oppossed to it... I'd wait a bit... there will be vert bills, accidents in the house, chewed furniture, etc etc, It's not worth y'all fighting about it all the time if he  REALLY doesn't want one.

    Any breeds that he likes? You have a b-day coming up? Anniversary? Christmas isn't too far away!

    Good luck

  4. No, and if you have to sneak to get a puppy you will do a great injustice to the dog.   Any dog deserves to be wanted by the whole family, not resented or treated badly by someone because of the resentment.

    If your husband doesn't want a dog - don't get a dog.

    Unless, of course, you get a new husband because dogs are usually much nicer than ---- never mind, I won't go there.

    Just don't do it --- very unfair to the dog.

  5. It isn't fair to bring a puppy into a house where he isn't loved by all the family members, in my opinion.

  6. With men..  you have to somehow let them think its "their" idea... which is not always an easy task.

    You could also come up with a compromise.  Perhaps there's something he wants that you're not thrilled about.

  7. ok if yooh REALLY want a a dog...have ur fwend take....ring ur doorbell nd have her say "i know how much ur dying 4 a dog so...herez one. i got her at a convenstion. hope yooh like her! yooh no...dogs change a persons life in a good way...well,enjoy!"

    have him/her stay in ur house 4 a couple ov dayz iin ur house...maybe that will change his mind....good luck!

  8. a tease... go to the animal shelter and check out puppies or dogs antwhere you see dogs visit them

  9. Bring one home.

    I did. :)

    "No you cant have that dog, we have too many as it is"

    three days later

    "Oh my god you brought it home"

    one week later

    "awwh who's my wubzy wubziken! awwh who's idea was it to bring you home? daddys! yes it was!"


  10. Get rid of the husband then go get yourself a really nice puppy who will love you unconditionally.

  11. Ha ha, same situation with my cousin and her husband. When they were engaged and living with each other, my cousin wanted a Maltese so badly that she threatened him with no kisses, cuddling, you name it. After about 5 days, he couldn't take it anymore and brought home a little cute Maltese named Bebe.  

  12. It might be hard to pull off a puppy.  Sure, you can bring it home, but the moment it starts peeing and pooping on the floor, your husband could lose it.  Can you look into a loyal adult dog too that may also be "masculine" enough for your man?  Once that dog comes over and puts its snout on his lap, he's going to fall fast.  Look into getting a dog from foster care.  Tell him that you'd like him to come along and just humor you.

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