
Best way to heal a sprained ankle?

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okay so i have no idea how i hurt my ankle

but it feels like a sprain

i can't afford to not be on it this coming week, since we have tennis tryouts.

any fast ways of healing?




  1. If you just did it, keep applying ice for the first twenty four hours. Twenty minutes on, twenty off. Do this two or three during that time period. Keep your foot elevated and rest it as much as possible. If you must walk, get yourself one of those pull on ankle supports, or wrap it with some ace bandage. After twenty four hours, start soaking the foot and ankle in some hot water that has Epsom Salts added to it. Follow the directions on the bag. Make the water as hot as you can stand it. Do this two to three times a day. After each soaking, massage it with some Aspercreme Cream. You best get one of those ankle supports when you are doing the tryouts, then immediately go home, get off of it, rest and start the soaks, Always elevate that leg and foot when resting. Take a 600 Mg's Ibuprofen if you are not allergic to aspirin, same goes for the Aspercreme. While resting and elevating the foot, try some moist heat. Take a towel, soak it with hot water, ring it out, then apply it around the ankle. I wish for you the very best young lady and I certainly hope you don't further damage your ankle. Good luck.

  2. Wrapping it tightly, holding attracting magnets on either side, icing it, putting ultrasound on it, electric current. Go to a physiotherapist there are loads of thins you can do for this sort of injury. If you are playing tennis you will need an ankle brace.

  3. Read and apply

  4. RICE! rest, ice, compression, elevation..  

  5. omg wee are the same now lol well what im doing is resting get a towel and soak it with warm water 3times a day to get the pain away  just rest it will h**l on it own time

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