
Best way to improve lawn?

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My lawn is dying in patches. I have put grass seed down, i have used fertilizer. Nothing seems to work! Please advise...




  1. well make sure you water it alot

    and a good tip is to water around dusk or evening

    because if you water during the day the droplets reflect the sun which scorches and dries out the blades

    hope this helps :]

  2. It could be pets, it could be a fungus.  The best thing to do is to call a professional and get an evaluation.  The bigger companies require no commitments and can help you with a diagnosis.  And don't water in the evening unless you live in the southwest or you will get fungus.  The grass does not get burnt by water droplets, if you water early in the morning the water is at the crowns of the grass and off the grass blade by the time the sun is high in the sky.

  3. Call a lawn fertilizing service for a free estimate. They give you a sheet explaining the problems in your lawn, as well as the price for fertilizing. It is not possible to diagnose your lawn problem without seeing it, or testing it.

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