
Best way to invest $2000?

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I have about $2000 in my Wells Fargo savings account but i only earn a few cents a month from interest. I dont want to take any big risks and i dont want to put it in an account where i have to wait till i retire to touch it.




  1. My Trading account was started with USD 2,000. It is generating some income. If you are interested, this might be a good idea.

  2. if you're in us, a recession, an inflation, credit crunch, bank bankrupticies, etc. buy gold, and wait.

  3. Have you tried consulting with an independent financial advisor? They will first determine your present circumstances, how much risk you can handle and your time frame for profits. They will then point you as to which investments will be best for you.

    Good luck! - Jim

  4. Have you considered puting the money into a CD (certificate of deposit) or a money market accout? The risks certainly are less than other types of investing and so are the returns, but if you do some digging you can find CD rates in the mid to high 3%.

    CDs will allow you to put in money for anywhere between 3 months to 5+ years depending on what you are comfortable with, with the drawback that you can't touch it during that time without a penalty.

    I would recomment getting your hands on a Kiplinger's magazine, or visiting their site as they often print the top-yielding accounts.

  5. Use an online brokerage firm that has good beginner qualitys {like tutorials or easy to understand set up}, i use zecco, better then schwab, etrade, etc. they are the only ones with free stock trades, no minumums..

  6. Wells Fargo is not a ideal bank to earn interest on your savings. Try HSBC bank, they offer 3.5% interest on savings without any minimum deposit and you can withdraw your money anytime you want.

    $2000 is pretty good money if you want to get start on investing in stock market. You can open up a trading account with Zecco and enjoy 10 free trade monthly without paying any trading fee but they require $2500 minimum .

    If you need access to your money any time you want, I would suggest you to go with the savings account rather than investing on the stock market.

    Good luck

  7. I buy US Treasury bonds at  Very fun and easy.  They are paying 2.7% on a 2 year investment.  You can not have your money for 2 years.   They pay 1.4% for a 4 week investment. You get your money back in 4 weeks and can do it again if you want.

  8. If you want to increase your returns then you will need to be open to risk.  If you decide to invest in the stock market, which I think is the best option, especially considering how cheap the stock market has gotten over the past year, then you might want to consider creating a practice portfolio of stocks or mutual funds at - it's free.

  9. Crack Coccaine Wholesaler.  500% near-instant return on your investment.  However, the risks of death due to murder and incarceration are high,  but think of the bragging rights at dinner parties when your friends say "Humph Humph Winston, my portfolio outpreformed the market at 3.5%!!"  Use the earnings from that in the stock market.

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