
Best way to keep focus in pool (billiards) match?

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In my pool (billiards) league I can often run 4-5 maybe even 6 balls. But I tend to lose my focus as I get closer to the 8ball. I have tried slowing my pace and even not thinking of my leave. I have even tried to focus on ONLY my current shot and yet I still seem to lose focus. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can maintain my focus?




  1. The best players can "see the table" i.e. they know what order to shoot the object balls and what English to use to get shape on the next ball.  If things don't work out the way they want then they adapt to the situation:  they look at new options of which ball to shoot next to get them back on track.

    The problem you have is not focus, it is that the fewer balls you have left on the table, the fewer options you have left.  At this point you should stop thinking about running the table and start thinking about shooting safe.  

    Are you playing to sink the most balls in a row, or to win the game?  You need to think about strategy more and focus less.  No one can clear the table every time up.


  2. Good one Mickey

    AKA choke dont think about the end or the mini skirt on next table ck pos shoot your shot then on to next shot if it dont feel or look right stand up from shot refocus then go for it

    Dont let the money get in your eye

    And follow Mickey's advice

    Later Johnny

  3. Having a pre-shot routine is essential to consistency and confidence at the pool table.  Going through the same ritual on each shot will get you into good habits.  That being said, you need to make a distinction between the time that you are thinking, planning, aiming, etc., and the time spent in the shooting position.  By the time you are down on the shot, you should have settled on what you will be doing.  If you find yourself second guessing your aim or your shot selection, you need to get out of the shooting position and start your routine all over again.  If you were never really confident in your choice and you shoot anyway, you've already increased your chance of failure by 50%.  8-ball is a unique game in that running out becomes more difficult with each ball that you pocket.  Any good shooter can walk up to the table, break and run 6-7 balls, but that doesn't win games.  My guys here know what they're talking about when they talk 8-ball strategy.  Your options become limited and defensive play becomes more difficult with each ball that you pocket.  I'm not sure that focus is your problem.  It might just be a matter of shot selection and strategy.  Best of luck.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  4. This is the $64000 question that if we could have an answer to....we would all be on TV......really to me as an above average player is "confidence" in your game and that comes with time and practice....I go thru the same thing that you do and I don't care what anyone here tells you it comes with confidence in your game.....practice those hard shorts so when they do come don't start to panic and lose "focus"......slow your game down and unlike 9 have to mentally run the entire rack(your balls) getting you to the eight you plan your run....pick the "key" ball or the last one that will give you an easy a shot as possible on the 8 ball.....slow down and shoot your balls....but if you don't think that you can run them all and get to the 8....then don't just make balls to them and keep your opponent as far as away or behind your balls when you give up the table.......PRACTICE! PRACTICE!PRACTICE!.....have you heard that one before?.....confidence and focus come hand in hand......when in the yourself in a mental the table and leave the beer and girls alone!!!.....good luck on the tour!!

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