
Best way to kill a fly?

by  |  earlier

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i hate flies - disgusting things. over the years i've tried various ways of killing the horrible things. here's my favourite fly ridding methods.

1) shoot with elastic band - splat against window or sometimes slicing their bodies in half.

2) toilet duck - catch them throw them down the loo ,wait for them to craw up the bowl and squirt toilet duck under the rim and watch as the liquid slowly engulfs them.

3) feed to spider - catch them take to spider web outside back door and drop them onto the web and wait for the spider to take them away.

4) squat with newspaper - squash!

5) fly spray - watch as they gradually fly into the walls and eventually come crashing to the ground.

6) burn them - knock them down and set light with a lighter.

7) drown - instead of squirting toilet duck on them just leave them to slowly drown in the loo.

8) flush down the loo - bye, bye but quick.

9) sticky strips - hang the strips in room and watch the flies try and struggle from the sticky strip.




  1. Well... their was once an old lady who swallowed a fly, I don't know why she swallowed the fly, perhaps she'll die

  2. Talk to them for an hour and bore them to death !

  3. i guess you have all the answers but we need our homes to be clean and i know what you mean...i just feel like stepping on them, then i have to clean my shoe because of the debris...eww so gross!!

  4. Venus Fly traps. I like the crunch sound when the traps close on them. Hard to keep venus fly traps alive up here in ohio though.

  5. It's got to be the vacuum cleaner! Get that hoover tube and suck the b******s up like on Ghostbusters!

  6. deodorant

  7. Inhale them as they fly past your face.

  8. swat em

  9. no. 5 is the best way for killing flies

    no. 9 is best for people who enjoy watching flies suffer

  10. There is no best way to kill a fly. The best thing to do is open the door or window wide and eventually they will find their way out. : )

  11. It depends: One or thousands? If it's one, use a flyswatter. Usaully after a few minutes they relax and you can kill them.

    If it's two or three sitll use a flyswater, if it's anymore then about 15 then you'll need to spray your entire house, however, you need to make sure that you spray it and then LEAVE. DO NOT STICK AROUND, and I'd make sure you have all of your pets (fish are okay, they're trapped in a tank) out of the house.

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