
Best way to learn how to do the splits?

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i really want to learn how to do right splits and also left splits but im not that flexible.

wats the best way to learn how to do them?




  1. I have danced for 13 years in all styles and this has worked for me and now I can do the over splits. after you have had a hot bath or when your muscles are warm go into the splits and hold them for about a minute. if you have a stiff muscle in your legs stretch it out before doing the splits so you will not feel as tight. when your in your splits relax and your muscles will also allowing you to go deeper. Make sure you do this at least once a day because your muscles are like an elastic and if you don't keep working them the go back to where they were. I hope this helps!

  2. well you can put a cushion,pillow 6 inch mat then put your right leg on just do splits normally then switch legs if u really want a good stretch then put a norther cushion pillow mat etc on your back leg and if you doing middle splits then well just do it how you would normally do middle splits with your leg on the pillow mat cushion etc.

  3. if this helps, the areas you have to stretch are:

    - the hamstrings

    - the illiopsoas [y shaped ligament at front of hip, joins hip to leg]

    - nerve on the back of knee

    - inner [adductors] and outer [abductors] thighs a bit too judt to make it easier

  4. if you have a chair put on leg on the chair the do a normal slpit but with the one leg on the chair and try to push yourself dow hold it for 4 mins

    promise it works

    i have all my spilts

    always love


  5. do leg stretched of a night

  6. When I was 12 I wanted to do my splits so bad and I practiced every night and I had them by the end of the month.

    Im 15 now and I've been able to do my splits ever since.

    Now, if I could only get my straddle split :D

  7. Stretch as much as possible every day. And every day go down into your splits as far as you can and hold it for one minute. But whatever you do don't stretch too far because you will damage the nerves in your legs, and we don't want that. Just keep practicing every day and you will get it. It might not come as fast as you want it to (it took me three months) but if you work at it you should be sucessful.

    Hope this helps! XOX

  8. yu have to do it like everyday and it helps to make yur leg muscels work! yu should do it

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