
Best way to loose belly fat to turn into 6 pack?

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I've been doing sit ups for a week and a half every night (200+) but it doesn't look like the fat thats around the muscle is going away really. my abbs feel tighter but the fat is still there. i'm guessing sit ups don't take off belly fat, whats the best way to do that?




  1. You are right - the sit ups tone the abs but they do nothing to get rid of the belly fat.  The way to get rid of that is through diet and also some cardio exercises.  I would recommend a low carb, low fat diet and cut out bread completely unless it is wholewheat or rye.  Avoid junk food and sugary foods and drinks completely also. For exercise, you need to be sweating for at least 20 mins to start making an impact on your tummy so try running, skipping or even rowing on a machine in the gym is an excellent fat burner.  Hope this helps.

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