
Best way to make money in computers (e.g. programming, etc.)?

by Guest34435  |  earlier

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I would like to find out the best area to go into for computers. Whether it be programming, web design, software, etc. Also it would have to be something that I could do remotely from my home or laptop, and something that I wouldn't have to go to school for very long, maybe just certifications thru online courses.

I do not know anything about computers at all, just internet surfing, basic stuff. So if you guys could give me some detailed examples, and also some online schools, I would really appreciate it!!





  1. All are good, programming, web-design, web-scripting..etc

    What you need to do first is gain your skills in one preferably more areas so later you can adapt to other jobs

    As some said before try awesome site for all your web design needs

    If you want true programming

    then get familiar with a programming language like Java, C,C++, Visual Basic.

    you can find tools here

    tutorials ( .net ) can't recall

  2. Software engineers/architects are very well rewarded financially, but you can't work from home most of the time. College degree and proven experience is required.

    What you can do from home is limited to very, very simple tasks such as creating simple static html websites for people who don't know how to do it.  The minimum requirement for this is knowledge of html and css.  Here's an excellent resource that will allow you to learn from home:

    Picking up other skills listed under "Browser Scripting" on the menu of the above website will make you more valuable.

    Hope this helps.  Good luck%)

  3. The best way is to start your own business.

    But to be successful at programming will take hard work, patience and and right mindset. Programming isn't for everyone.

    Web programming is relatively easy to start, but there are complexities even in that field. Learning how to use Linux, Python, PHP, MySQL PostgreSQL and how to program for those platforms and tools would really help your career. Most web servers on the internet are LAMP systems.

    Application programming is also trickier and will require C/C++ and/or Java. Both languages can be tricky.

    First start off learning how to program. I suggest starting with Python. It is easy to learn while at the same time it is not a "toy language" - IOW, it is used both for learning and for professional applications.

    If you like programming, then look into exactly what kind of an IT career you want.

  4. Be creative and unique.

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