
Best way to practice wall flips?

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Where or how would be the best thing to do to practice wall flips? i just dont want to try it and break my neck the first time.




  1. Sorry but this is for martial arts questions. Back flips have nothing to do with the martial arts. Perhaps if you post under the forum for "other sports" you might find some help there.

  2. A. Focus on a chest-high point on the wall—this is where you’ll place your feet. Remain focused on that spot as you begin running toward the wall at moderate speed. Plant your weaker foot about a meter away from the wall and start leaning back.

    B. Push into the wall with your dominant foot. The longer you look at that spot, the higher you will go. Try to angle your body completely horizontal, without jerking your neck. Lean your head back, as your torso will follow your head.

    C. Place your weaker foot against the wall and flick your ankle to drive the rotation. For a quick and controlled spin, tuck your knees close to your chest. Maintain eye contact with the ground to spot your landing, and force your legs around toward it.

    D. Bend your knees as you hit the ground to absorb the landing and retain balance. A smooth landing takes practise to perfect, and it’s painful when botched, so have a friend spot you at first.

    The wall flip is inherently dangerous and can cause severe injuries, even paralysis or death if improperly executed. Never attempt to learn this without having two trained people who can support your falls and considering the risks (e.g., surface conditions, distance to a medical facility, skill of spotters, previous injuries).

    Always remember to make sure that the wall you are doing this on is solid. If it's not, you could easily put your foot into or through it, and if you get your foot caught, you could be dangling upside down with no way of getting your (broken) foot out on your own.

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