
Best way to put sheathing on a frame without help

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I'm trying to think of the best way to put plywood on a shed who's frame is already standing. I know you're supposed to start from the bottom and work up, but I can't think of a way to hold the bottom board in place and attach it all while keeping it level so it doesn't mess up the level/plume of all boards above it. I wish I could rest it on the ground to put in in place, but the shed is on a concrete slab with uneven ground below it. Are there any tricks to this? I know its best to attack sheathing when the frame is still lying flat, but that's not an option unfortunately.




  1. Cut some 2x4s and 45 the ends. Stick those in the ground and drive em down real good with a sledge. Then connect a 2x4 or two across those two boards making them perfectly level. This way you can create an "artificial level ground" to rest things on.

    Good Luck

  2. They make tools for this, which look like a J-shaped metal bar.  You put one end under the sheet and press down on the other with your foot, and it levers the sheet up to variable heights depending on how hard you press.

    However, for just a sheet of plywood, it's probably easier just to tack one end in at the right height (just drive a nail part way in so it holds the sheet up temporarily.  You should be able to just hold the sheet up on one end long enough to do that.  Then go to the other end. Drive a nail part way into the sheet.  Then lift the sheet up to the exact correct height with one hand and drive the nail the rest of the way in.

    Then all you have to do is go to the other end, pull the tack nail out enough that the sheet lets go.  Level it by resting a level on top.  And then drive the tack nail all the way in when it's level.  Presto.

    Then drive in more nails to secure it.  

    Once you have one sheet up and level, the others are easy.  Just butt them against the reference (level) sheet and they'll be straight.  You can rest higher sheets on top of the first row of sheets (which is why you start from the bottom) while you nail them.

    Good luck!

  3. I just put a small board under the sheeting on one corner right side.

    Then line up left side with corner and put one nail in part way remove shim board and plum sheet and nail it on. for second level take a two by four and cut a 3/4 by 3/4 notch and place on lower sheet temp nail in place then set top sheet in notch and nail in place. I work alone all the time. its the best way I've found to do it. I think its easer than having help most of the time. Good luck If you don't understand what I mean write me for better instructions.

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