
Best way to quit marijuana?

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whats the easiest way to quit marijuana?




  1. By not buying it and/or smoking it.  It's not addictive, so just don't do it anymore.

  2. just stop hanging out with druggies

  3. Marijuana is not addictive. So just stop.

    Ms Lamb,  you are the least convincing poser I have ever met. What decade are you supposed to be from again?

  4. best way to quit is actually know that you do not need to smoke it. it is a non-addictive drug so the only reason i see why you would still smoke is peer pressure. so hang out with your friends when their not smoking or get new ones if they cant respect the fact that you want to stop

  5. Hey Man!

    You're quiting on Mary?!  Whooo Man!  That's mind blowing!

    I just read about people trying to pass a durgy test.  Nothing about quiting on Mary!

    Well if Mary has been good to you, let her down gently.  She'll understand.  She's a mellow gal.  She'll be wishing you well but she will be missing you too, you know.  Mary is a good gal no matter what peoples say!

    It's just her flower that's great to smoke.  The rest of her is good to use as paper, clothing, twine, bags, hats, fuel for your car, etc. you know, man!

    Well "shoot" man....let her down gently.  She's a good gal.  No matter what peoples say!

    Good Luck Man! ;-D

  6. Fortunately marijuana isn't like cigarettes, the addiction is much more psychological so the way to quit is pretty much all by choice and motivation.

    Wake up and make your decision that today, you're not going to "cloud out".  And just go through the actions of the day, encouraging yourself that you are simply not smoking today whenever you get the urge.  Pride yourself on what you are wanting to do for yourself and talk it out in your head - the urges will pass and you will feel better soon.

    From personal experience, it takes marijuana 3 days to get out of my 'conscious body' - on the 4th day I feel much better and "with it", and you don't feel the need to get high anymore to balance out.  Within a week stressful situations get easier to handle and as long as you're not near weed, you feel good about yourself and its easy to stay away.

    If you're friends smoke, it is very hard but doable.  Its not failure on your part if you get high when you had 'quit'. Don't beat yourself up about it - that will only make it harder to quit the next time.  Each attempt is fresh and the future unknown.

    If possible, go away for 3 days or have something special planned that will distract you from your regular habit of smoking.  It makes it soo much easier and you do feel detox within the first 5 days - being in a different environment eases symptoms.  Appreciate the detox, its toxins leaving your body (you might even feel high on the 2nd and 3rd day from tsg leaving, and your throat will hurt in the mornings) - you're body will be stronger!

    Good luck and take it easy!!

  7. not to smoke it.... its not addictive

  8. Stop hanging out with people that get high, you won't be ditching them if your trying to help yourself.  Find other hobbies and treat yourself well. Keep positive thoughts no matter what.  Whatever you do, don'y stash it around in smokable form.  I made that mistake and blew a 2 week period, now i have to wait a good 20 days before I can possibly pass a drug test clean.  Not too likely that will happen either.  Don't do like I did, bake what you have into brownies and get them in a pothead's hands.  Not yours.  Clean your bowls and throw out **** into a bag and give it to a friend "incase (I) want it back".  Thats my plan.  Listen to what moonlight and george says.  They both are right.  List all the positive in your head . Even when your temporarily skewing your rational thought to get it so you smoke, keep remembering all the money you will save.

  9. just's illegal, it's bad for you and cost tons of money...............need I say more

  10. its not really addictive, but you just think that life is better with it. you have to make your life better by doing other things than smoking pot. when you stop smoking take up exercise, playing music, or whatever you want. and also, and this is very important, stop hanging around with your friends who do smoke.

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