
Best way to relieve Plantar Fasciitis pain?

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I'm 14 years old and like my mom I have plantar fasciitis in both my feet. I'm starting my freshman year of high school and have joined the marching band. I leave on Sunday for a week long band-camp in MAryland until thursday. We will march approximately 47 hours 32 minutes during the week. I get home at 6, and get on a plane for my family vacation to Disney at 9. My feet already are killing me from my band camp -day camp I had last week. How can I help the pain and keep it form acting up with all this walking I will be doing?




  1. Ice massages help a lot (even though they are not the most comfy things in the world.

    Also lots of stretching.  Pull the toes up towards the head.

    Some people swear by bracing the feet in this position while one sleeps, but I think that that should be a last resort.

  2. Ice ice ice. Do some stretching, then hold ice packs on your heels til you can't stand it.  I mean really get them numb.  That helped me immenselywhen I had Plantar Fasciitis.   Quality shoes help, too.  Bad shoes will make it worse.  Look for proper arch support and heel cushioning.  Perhaps some gel heel cups to insert may help while you're marching/walking - I think you can purchase them at drugstores.  

    I had the surgery (plantar release) and it helped tons!  But even now, years later, my feel can still start to ache, and I discovered Earth Shoes - that's the brand, Earth.  The heel is lower than the toes and it takes soo much pressure off your heels  - they're great!  Here's the link:

  3. I am a teacher and I am on my feet all day. I have plantar fasciitis and it is a real pain...forgive the pun. A physical therapist gave me some exercises to do which really help. I face a wall or counter and hold on to it while I stretch my leg out behind me and try to put the foot flat on the ground. You actually feel the stretch in your calf and achilles tendon, but it helps stretch the plantar tendon too. I do this several times a day and when the pain is bad, it helps relieve the pain immediately. I also found that if you stand on a stair with your heel hanging over the edge and your toes on the stair and lower your foot so the heel is lower than your toes and stretch the bottom of your foot, that helps too.  

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