
Best way to stop smoking ?

by  |  earlier

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spare how " gross" you think it is.

What is the best way to stop ? gum,patches,cold turkey, ?

any ideas or suggestions ?




  1. You can suck on straws, all you do is cut an ordinary straw into f*g-sized pieces and suck on them, it is like a substitute for the hand to mouth habit, I found that getting rid of all of the f**s/ashtrays in your house, apart from ermergency f**s, they make you feel better to know, but you don't smoke them, i found it really worked.

    Good luck, it was the hardest thing I ever did ;)

  2. best way to stop smoking is to go and visit someone who has lung cancer. it worked for my brother-in-law. he hasnt smoked for 8 years.

  3. i think cold turkey. just get rid of all your cigs and then sit in the house alone for however long it takes you to stop craving. it worked for me but you need alot of will power! especially when you start socializing with smokers again!

    i think hypnotherapy is a good idea though, when they hypnotize you to be sick when you have a cig or something.

    i found that patches and gum etc, didn't stop e smoking lol.

  4. i got sick and went cold turkey

  5. Willpower.  You have to really want to quit.  I did it by cutting back as much as I could.  I got to the point where I only had one in the morning, one after work or school, and one before bed.  At that point you still have the physical, but the psychological addiction is pretty much gone.  then I bought the patch to deal with the nicotine addiction and a couple weeks later I was done.

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