
Best way to tackle someone twice as big/wide/fast?

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I play winger, and I've got a tournament with my team on friday. I'm a pretty small girl and this is also my first year playing. Does anyone have any tips on bringing down someone in a way that wont get me a cleat in the face? Thanks!




  1. get low and hit them hard. technique is everything.

  2. go for the legs dont waste your energy trying to put a shot on,or to make a heavy collision tackle wrap there legs come from the side hit there legs wrap and drive  you can try bootlacing them thats tackling someone around there ankles you need to be agile quick  with good timing  and brave if you are then you want to dive towards em  from maybe your body length and half from em and remember to launch your self  in a sharp dive your going for the ankles  line him up launch yourself and bring your arms around to grab his legs  dont go directly in with your shoulder when attempting a bootlace tackle its dangerous for the player being tackled and youd probably start  an all out blazing saddles brawl always make contact with your arms

  3. No worries about being small, I am too. Aggression is key.

    -Be aggressive

    -If you have pace [speed], going in fast helps, but no worries if not.

    -Keep your head up at all times.

    -Get low,  keep your shoulders above your hips, back straight.

    -Put your head to one side (remember: cheek to cheek [your cheek to their butt cheek]), and slam in with your whole shoulder.

    -Wrap your arms around their thys, grasping your wrists, then SQUEEZE.

    -Drive with your legs.

    -If you get knocked to the ground, grab an ankle and don't let go; that will send her sprawling if she is going fast enough, or at least will slow her down.

    If nothing else, it will be hard for them to move. Fundamental tackleing is fundamental for a reason: it works.

    The other thing to do, esp. if someone else is holding onto her, is to go in and strip the ball from her; it's perfectly legal, and effective. Rip the ball out of her hands.

    Watch the videos I posted as sources.

  4. Don't show any fear. The first answer explains it pretty good so do that too. But yeah don't be afraid at all. And don't let fear overtake you or make you hesitate when or if you think about past hits where it has really hurt.

    Also from a scientific standpoint, when speaking about this is it MASS times VELOCITY SQUARED. So in case you haven't figured it out, velocity has more to do with it then mass. For instance, a bullet weighs nearly nothing but can knock you off your feet completely if fired at you. In other words, SPEED!

    Hope that helps!

  5. Also, do not forget you are on the wing and the sideline is your friend.  when someone is running at you try to set up your body to their inside so you can funnel them out of bounds.  

    Think of it like this...if you run straight at the ball runner they can step to your left or right.

    If you shade the inside the runner can only cut back and trip over you or try to beat you down the side line and you will have a great chance to catch them and tackle them (aim for hips) or just push them out of bounds.  Have fun, be safe and check out when you have the time.

  6. go in hard and shoulder charge her put ur body on the line and smack her on her *** or the proper way and get low and wrap around her thighs pick up and dump

  7. Go in as low as you can with your shoulder first, aim for the other person's thigh muscle, close your arms around his legs as you do this and drive down towards the ground.  Make sure you put your head on the outside (and the not the inside) of the other person - that way you won't get hurt.

    Good luck!

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