
Best way to take cutings off lemon tree ?

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what is the best way ,and what do you do , i have tried 3 times now but the cutings just die after 4 weeks pls help , do i need to cover them , do i need rooting powder pls help ,,,,,,,,,,, thank you




  1. You may find that to suceed at propogating another lemon that you need to do what is called budding. Here is a really great website that tells you with great accuracy how to do it

    The second website may also give you some good insight into growing citrus as well

    happy propogating

  2. OOh boy................. OK, take your cuttings on new/green growth, you want something at least 6" long. Don't use scissor, use a very sharp blade and cut at about a 45 deg. angle. Dip the cut end about an inch deep in rooting hormone powder. In a small pot you want to have a 50/50 mix of potting mix and course sand that is damp but not soaking wet. DON'T push the cutting in, poke a hole in the soil with your finger, set the cutting in, and then push the soil up against the cutting to close up the hole. Put a small stick in the pot a few inches taller than your cutting and then cover the whole thing with a plastic bag. Keep it in a warm but shaded spot. You are going to want to mist it once or twice a day, checking the soil to make sure it is still damp but not wet. You're trying to keep a high humidity without it getting soggy. It should take 3 or 4 weeks to get roots on most citrus greenwood cuttings.

  3. Do not use fertilizer or compost for cuttings sandy soil is best for these..and do not over water..they will rot..

    In propagating cuttings it is advisable to select a sheltered spot in the garden, free from cold winds and from many hours of direct sunlight. Woody cuttings, since they have a certain amount of food stored in their tissue, do not need much light, but a certain amount of light is required by all cuttings.

    If many cuttings are taken each year, reserve a bed for them. Light loamy soils are best for propagation. Clay types are quite unsuitable. Open the soil, top-dress with a thick layer of sharp sand, then cover the bed with about two inches of sand. No organic matter or manures should be added, because these will cause root rot. If the cuttings are soft, place them not more than an inch deep; woody cuttings can be inserted for half their length.

    Firm the soil round the cuttings and keep it moist but not wet - too much water can lead to poor results.

    A board surrounding the bed will help keep off direct winds, and cuttings covered with glass clotches will have better condition than exposed cuttings.

  4. Take a 3litre coke bottle cut at the bulge approx 5 cm from the bottom cut twice once above the bulge and below the bulge this means that the two parts fit snugly together fill the bulges in the base with water not to meet the bottom of the pot then put your pot and cutting in side after slight watering as normal, then fit together and seal with tape this will keep the cutting just moist for a couple of months when the water in the base does  get less  remove the top and trickle a small amount to top up.THis means the cutting gets just the amount required to germinate and is very successful.Put in a place with plenty of light.

  5. Probably because you can only take cuttings from brand new growth.

    In the spring once you see the shoots appearing and one leaf has appeared its this that you need to remove with as much knuckle that is attached to the branch as possible, dip the knuckle in a rooting powder and plant. keep in a cool place with good ventilation for 10-14 days at about 15 degrees  

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