
Best way to tell if a motor mount is bad?

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Best way to tell if a motor mount is bad?




  1. for me, its two ways.  #1  get in the car and tromp on the gas, if it feels like the motor is coming out of the car, I know there is a problem.  #2  I actually site and feel the motor mount, a bad one shows where the rubber is actually split and you can put your fingers on the bad part.

  2. First you will need another person to help you. Have someone put the car in gear while they have their foot on the brake. While they do that look to see if the engine moves. Look at the motor mount and see if the engine moves a lot. The engine should only move slightly. You can also look at the motor mount and check to see if the rubber bushing is worn out. The bushing should be tight and snug. If it isn't or the engine rocks a lot when you put in in gear then it needs replacing.

  3. if it moves under tork.

  4. Crank it up...and watch for any unnecessary movement of motor. Or you can wait like my dad did, and when he did a u-turn...the transmission broke off from the motor.  

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