
Best way to thank a doctor's office staff?

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A few weeks ago, I came to my doctor's office with a horrible migraine - I didn't even call, just showed up a few minutes after they opened. I had my two little kids in tow and the office staff was extremely accomodating. Between myself and the kids, we go to this medical group fairly often and the whole office staff knows us. I am planning on sending them a thank you note (I'd planned on sending one the next day but haven't gotten a round to it - shame on me!), but am wondering if I should do more. I was thinking of cookies or flowers, but can't spend a lot of money. I think one of the ladies that was especially helpful might be diabetic. I really can't afford a nice flower arrangement, though. Should I just not worry about it and just send a card? Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!




  1. I need to switch to your doctor, mine would have booted me to a prima-care. Send a card thanking them signed by you and your kids, that will be more than they are used to, I promise.

  2. Send a card and let your kids paint a picture.. they like that for the kids waiting room.. they appreciate a thank you card..there really is no need to make a gift.. other than a thank you card.. if you have been treated well by staff in hospital and you have been in there for a while and they took good care of you then you can leave some chocolates for the staff and a thank you card when you are released but for this... a nice thank you card and a picture painted by your two kids.. that will be fun... and they will appreciate it... They could do this together.. your two children.. x*x

  3. A note is lovely and always appropriate.

    The cookies would be nice, but here's something else you might want to consider:  a basket of fresh fruits and vegetables that the staff can snack on.  Then the diabetic staff member - and the dieting staff members! - can partake without guilt.

    If you can't afford to do the cookies or the fruits & vegetables right now, don't worry about it.  Go ahead and send the note.  The staff in a doctor's office work really hard, and they rarely work normal hours, and someone taking that extra effort to say "thank you" is one of the rarest things of all.

  4. Just send them the card. That's thoughtful enough. You don't really have to stretch it if you can't afford it. It's the "sincere" thought that counts!

  5. I think your really ysweet to acknowledge how kind they were to y ou.  I would send a sweet card...many doctors offices keep these, some even display them.

  6. In the first place, it is part of their job. But if you really feel compelled, then a nice card with a hand written note explaining your gradatute would be nice. I don't think that they are really allowed to except gifts from patients, but everyone enjoy's and honest thank you!

  7. Just a thank you card will do and I'm sure they will greatly appreciate it! :)  You are so sweet to think of this, btw!!

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