
Best way to train your body to do more sit-ups and push-ups?

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I want to get to where I can do 100 situp/pushups in 2 minutes. What is the best way to accomplish this goal? Would doing 100 a day be the best way? Should I do all 100 then be soar a few days or is that bad?




  1. Join the Army that's what I did. They will get you doing more.

  2. Just as a warning, you shouldn't be trying to reduce the amount of time it takes to do your exercises. For one thing, you're more likely to get injured, and also it is much harder to do exercises slowly and keeping with perfect form. This is how you should be doing a push-up:

    And this is how you should be doing a crunch:

    You will build more muscle working out correctly.

    As for how to increase the number, just do 3-4 sets of as many as you can do, followed by a day or two to rest, and then do it again a few days later. Don't work out when you're sore.

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