
Best way to travel to Sydney from London other than flying?

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Best way to travel to Sydney from London other than flying?




  1. Ummmm.........what do you think ?   hahahahaha,,,taxi ?

  2. Well there's not much option dear.

    Try walk.

  3. By sea! Ruprecht loves the water!

  4. Ride your bike there or walk.

    Good luck.

  5. hitch a ride on a hump back whale! they often pass through sydney at this time of year.

  6. A magic carpet. Or a ship. Either one of those.

  7. cruise on a boat would be the next option, or row and hitch-hike

  8. some cargo ships take paying passengers other than that you don't have much choice unless you book a cruise and get off in Australia and forgo the rest o the cruise but that will cost a lot of money

  9. How well do you swim, or a try a cruise ship company such as P&O.

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