
Best way to treat chili plants?

by Guest66428  |  earlier

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I have grown chili's for a couple of years, but the fruits don't often come through until late September. How can I get them to produce earlier?




  1. Unlike your lawn the problem I found out after three years was that gardens are sensitive to  too much nutrition it stunts their growth and delays production.Peppers are especially sensitive to this.Compost is too rich and they don't need fertilizer this maybe you're problem try it and see

  2. Peppers really like hot weather and lots of it.  Ours didn't really start growing until we had weather in the 90s regularly.  If you'd like bigger plants earlier, then you might want to try starting them in pots indoors several months before your regular gardening season starts.  Make sure to keep them pretty warm and give them plenty of light and they should grow nice and big.  Big plants should be capable of producing earlier (and even if they don't produce earlier, they should produce more when they do start to set fruit).

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