
Best way to try and conceive a girl

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Trying to conceive we would love a girl any tips I know it sounds funny but I have been told that there are special ways to help




  1. No. Its the female sperm that live longer and swim slower.

    Try having s*x before you ovulate. But obviously no guareentees.

  2. A bit of confusion in the answers so check this website out:

    It says girl sperm live longer, so have s*x before or after ovulation and not during.

  3. it was in our newspaper a few months ago that a healthy diet with little fat etc around the time you conceive is more likely to produce a girl. From personal experience that has been right for me!!

  4. well aparantly the sperm that carries the girl chromosome(sp) lives longer while the boys only live like 12-24hrs and the girls live 24-72 hours so they say to have s*x the day or two before you ovulate to increase your chances ive never known of anyone to do it but it makes sense

    edit:: sorry i got it flipped the girl dies faster the boy lives longer

  5. I know that 'female' sperm cells go further but die quicker; 'male' sperm take longer to reach the egg but they don't 'die' nearly as fast.

    Whatever that means.. lol.

    Anyway, if you want a girl, then have s*x less often.

    If you want a boy, have s*x more often.

    It also has something to do with having s*x the day you ovulate to have a boy, or having s*x a few days before you ovulate to have a girl.

    Something like that. .

    I got pregnant on the pill so I have no idea when I ovulated, or why I ovulated .. etc. etc.

    I have a boy.

  6. to quote JAEL

    well aparantly the sperm that carries the girl chromosome(sp) lives longer while the boys only live like 12-24hrs and the girls live 24-72 hours so they say to have s*x the day or two before you ovulate to increase your chances ive never known of anyone to do it but it makes sense

    edit:: sorry i got it flipped the girl dies faster the boy lives longer

    2 minutes ago

    -- You had it right.  The Y chrom lives longer (female).  It works!!  

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