
Best way to wash dishes and save water, without a dishwasher?

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I have a single basin sink and no possibility of getting a dishwasher. What is the best way to wash my dishes to conserve water? Lately I've been filling the sink with hot soapy water, putting all the dishes in to soak for a few minutes, scrubbing (with the water off), setting them to the side, then draining the water and rinsing them in clean water. Is this really much better than just quickly washing them with the water on??




  1. You are doing good. Unless you have a dog there is not much else you can do.

  2. that's good. but rinsing them with running water is a no!no! fill the basin again with clean water then rinse them 2x. that is the right way to conserve more water.

  3. what your doing is perfect!!

    simple soluition can you solve it??;...

  4. If you are washing a big pot or pan, fill that with soapy water and put the other dishes inside instead of filling the whole sink.

    If you are not sure whether your method is better than washing them under running water, then try this: Plug up the sink but don't fill it. Then wash the dishes under running water. If the sink fills up before you are done, then this method uses more water. But then you can just put the rest of your dishes in to soak, so nothing's wasted in this little "test."

  5. Vel u can simply use ash-decomposition of vil save ur water 2 nd cleanses best..

  6. I half fill the sink (or as someone suggested, use a big pot - this way you can empty the water on the garden), with hot water and grey-water safe detergent (we use Ecover, but you might have other green alternatives).

    We don't generally rinse, but if you want to, stack the dishes after you've washed them, fill a cup with water, and pour it over the dishes.  This is a good quick rinse and uses comparatively, much less water.

  7. I think what you're doing is wonderful!

    BUT to make things better (for the environment at least) -you could always find a way of collecting the water that you use (to rinse) and water plants with that :)

  8. This is so far the best way to save water.

  9. ya it takes longer but its more conservative

  10. wait for it to rain put clothes i n youre basket thing and then clen it whith soap

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