
Best way yo sell Sell silverware and large antiques?

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I received boxes and boxes of silverware and silver tableware from a family member who passed away. I don't need or want most of it and would like to sell it. Any suggestions on how to sell it. I am not interested in EBay. I don't have a lot of time to invest In this either.

In addition, I received some amazing antiques. They are beautiful but some are too large for my home or taste. I would also be interested in selling these but don't have a clue the route to take to accomplish that.




  1. There is a company called Replacements Unlimited which buys silverware for resale on the secondary market for people who have lost or damaged pieces they wish to replace.  Consider contacting them not only to identify your pieces, but also to get an idea of their value on the secondary market.  

    You may want to sell some of the sets in their entirety to command a higher price.  There are dealers and collectors who specialize in silver.  Some dealers will work consignment and others will buy outright, so you have to decide which way you want to sell.  You can pick up antique magazines and newsletters at the antique malls and stores.  In the back, you will see ads from collectors seeking certain pieces.  In my experience, they will pay a higher price to complete their collections or to acquire a certain piece.

    The same goes for your furniture.  You can hire an auction house, sell or consign with a dealer or advertise the peices yourself in antique circulars in your area or even nationally.  But, first you need to know what you have, who manufactured or made it and when to really make certain that the price you are either asking or being offered is good.

  2. Depends where you are located... I would advise to bust open the phone book or go to and look up local antique businesses and dealers.  Call multiple shops and ask if they do appraisals (preferably if they have a licensed appraiser).  Than take the highest offer.  

    However if your silverware is high end whatsoever I would highly suggest Ebay.  You will be able to easily get double what a dealer will pay.  Large furniture is hard, if it is nice dealers will pay, if it not advertise in local newspaper and hold a house sale/ yard sale.

    Do not take any dealers offer til all the other dealers see it.  When you select the buyer ask if they would go ~5% higher, if not then accept original offer.  

  3. Go to a car boot sale to sell them

  4. "I Antique Online" website: http://www.iantiqueonline is a FREE community for people who buy, sell or collect antiques and art online. You can post your items or ask for an appraisal. The items will be viewed by hundreds of members!

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