
Best ways for a 14 year old to earn money?

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whats the best wayfor me to earn a lttle bit of paper, i need some money, so whts the best way to earn it and how do i sinup, andwhts the averge pay, and dontsay pr.osti.tuion




  1. You could get a paper route, babysit, mow lawns, or maybe work at some kind of fast food restaurant if the laws in your state allow it.  Good luck.

  2. Check with your neighbors and see if they have any chores that they need help with.  You could also try carwashes, bake sales, lemonade stands.  In some States, you can get a work permit with your parents permission and get a jobby-job.

  3. Go Trough Your Neighborhood And See Who Needs Their Grass Cut, Or You Could Go To Some Local Stores And See If They Need Someone To Stock Their Shelves.

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