
Best ways of backpacking central and south america?

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I will be backpacking with my gf (we will be going in October for 3-4 months) and want to know best and safest ways of getting around while on a bit of a budget.

Is it best to travel in an organised group sometimes and find ur own way at other times? any personal experiences are greatly appreciated!!




  1. best would be on your own. no group.You don't want to be a tourist. Be a traveler. Your experience will be more interesting if you venture out into the countryside and meet the local people. use public transportation,planes, buses,or get a motorbike or small car you can sleep in. appear and look poor. always streetwise.  learn a little Spanish and for Brazil Portuguese.the locals will appreciate your effort in trying to speak their language. take a Spanish course before you go. you are only going in Oct , so you have time to learn Spanish. you will enjoy your trip more if you can converse.  a few books on the countries you want to travel through.maps. dictionary.  tell people you are European. avoid showing that you are American. Americans are hated world wide complements of bu$h. I have traveled through Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil Argentina,Paraguay,Bolivia, Uruguay, by bus, motorbike, car. be streetwise and you should be safe. i never had a problem . but i always proceed with caution. Parts of Colombia ,Venezuela,Peru can be very dangerous, bandits.guerrillas. check with Passport office or consulates for any travel warnings. also take malaria tablets or protection for malaria. have fun.I wish I was going. maybe I will.You have given me some inspiration. Encantado

  2. Stay with a group for safety.  You're not in Canada any more.  Some places will be safe and some dangerous, and you won't know one from the other.

  3. u should go on your own, its much more fun. but make sure to talk to some local ppl so they can warn you where not to go or things like that. it would be great if u talk a lil spanish at least. make sure to be in the north of argentina (salta, jujuy) by january. LOTS of ppl are backpacking there at that time (mostly argentinians, but a lot of europeans, too) and it gets really fun. then u can go to patagonia (the south of argentina) It has a totally different landscape from the rest of latin america, very beautiful. both places are really safe and are the favourite of backpackers

  4. I traveled by myself by bus from Arizona to Puntas Arenas Chile and back except for an area called the darien gap. If you dont know spanish it is probably wise to find another backpacker to cross the borders with. Otherwise you and your girlfriend can watch each others back. The 2 worse border crossings are Tapachula Mexico and Tumbes Peru

  5. I think lonely planet is good guide to for backpacking in South America and central, they write them every 4 years. If you are planning on coming to Peru, I will be happy to assist you

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