
Best ways to ask a girl to a dance?

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I will be a junior in high school next year and I need some creative ways of asking a girl to a dance!




  1. tell her that you're really sorry but you forgot your math homework ( or something else) in your locker and could she please get it for you? and then when she opens it, it will say " will you go to the dance with me" or something. good luck

  2. JUST BE CAUSAL just be like "hey wanna dance?"

    put your hands in your pockets don't kiss her hand or anything to exotic!

    Advice: girls like when you go strait forward! :]

  3. go up to her and say "do u want to dance?" it's that simple

  4. put up signs around her house, like starting at the front door.  like '(name of girl)' next sign 'will' next sign 'you' next 'go' and then if there is snow on the ground make a snowman in the back yard (the signs have led her throughout the house) and have him holding a sign 'to the dance with me?' you might be able to come up with something more creative for the signs but you get the idea. good luck!

  5. Play 'Lets Dance' Craig David.

  6. Draw  straws.

  7. Just go and ask her if she has a date to the dance. If she says no ask why. If she says no one has asked me or something like that be like "Oh I know someone who would like to go with you" and yeah, you know the rest haha :]

  8. well if she is like your friend then just ask her but dont ask them by texting them, that just shows that your a chicken.

  9. My advice is to ask her, "Hi, would you like to dance?"

    Since your so young and dealing with young girls, "lines" aren't going work much for you. You have to be polite, smiling, and give off the appearance that you are confident, but make it seem that you are sincere.

    At that age, I'm afraid, girls will be hoping for the really cute boys, the popular boys, or someone a little older that singles them out.

    You may hit upon a cute girl  who isn't shallow and who likes a guy who is nice and sincere.

    Those are the ones you should shoot for, but don't be afraid to ask the most popular ones, too, in case you get lucky.

    Just don't let the others see you do it!

  10. 1. Give her a rose and ask her.

    2. Just plainly ask her.

    3. Pass a note.

    4. Ask her on a date and ask her.

    5. Have a plane fly across your school with a banner that says ______Will You Go To ____Dance With Me?

    6. Make t-shirt that says ______Will You Go To ____Dance With Me?

    7. Give her 12 real roses and one fake one, tell her if you go to the _____ dance with me, I'll love you till the last rose dies.

    8. Sing her a song.

    9. Write her a poem.

    10. "_____ I think you're really pretty, and I was wondering if you would give me the honor of accompanying me to our _____ dance. You don't have to if you don't want to, but it would make my day if you would, because I think you're the prettiest and coolest girl I've met this year. :] *shy smile*"

  11. just be your self and ask in your way so she can see the real you as if you both get together you will need to be your self anyway.

  12. just get to know her and get some laughs with her then when ur willing to ask her out make some jokes so she's in the mood and ask her :)

  13. start dancing with her at a random time and place and while your dancing show your moves. ask her while your dancing with her if shed go to a dance with you.

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