
Best ways to get out of jury duty ?

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and i dont mean talking out of it after you show up i mean not going period




  1. Be seen out and about with the prisoners family and friends

  2. 1. Become a lawyer or police officer.

    2. Have you own company that will go bust if you serve.

    3. Ask your doctor to certify as insane.

    4. Commit a crime and ensure that you are caught.

    Any of these should mean all you have to do is notify the authorities that you are ineligible to serve on a jury.

    That said, I really enjoyed the experience - especially the bit where the s****.got sent to jail!

  3. Death?

  4. Do what I did...just don't show up and it'll blow over.

  5. When questioned tell them "you can tell a guilty person a mile away" They will think you are biased right away.

  6. Write them a letter explaining that you are retarded

    and that Matlock said you did'nt have to go.

  7. I don't know why people dread it so much.Most people get sent home but if you are picked it's actually interesting and fun.I was the foreperson on a domestic violence case and I was glad to help these people get justice.

  8. How about this...


  9. Step in front of a bus.  It gets you out of your civic duty, and will get you what you probably deserve for wanting to get out of that duty.

    You're never allowed to complain about OJ or Phil Spector verdicts, by the way.

  10. Most likely you won't do anything.  

    Take a book and enjoy the down time.

  11. break a leg, literally.

  12. cant be avoided privilaged position

  13. get an doc's excuse

  14. If you are employed, your employer can write or call.

  15. you have to go...they will excuse women with small kids or if you need surgery,

  16. Leave the country and renounce your citizenship. If you're not not willing to do you're duty, who needs you?

  17. claim you have formed an opinion all ready. If you are a fireman you can be excused. if you have a medical problem,too.

  18. Why would you not want to do jury duty?  Are you that lazy?  Would you rather have a corrupt judge decide your case?  You have no appreciation of the rights you have in your hands.

  19. Easy - just leave the country and move somewhere that does not have jury trials.

    Then hope you never get arrested for something.

  20. Get a hernia operation the day before.

  21. As far as it goes here in Canada, the only way not to go is to be admitted in a hospital or sick at home with a doctors note. Besides, if you miss it (for a valid reason) they just stick you back on the list for another trial.

  22. Have your boss write a note saying that they cannot be without you in the office for a week.

  23. if the defendent is coloured/ a woman/ jewish, pretend to be a hater- everyone will think you're a bad person, but you'll get out of jury duty.  seriously, one of my friends just pretended to be an out and out racist, and they wouldn't let her sit.

  24. Show medical reasons.

  25. have you thought about getting a criminal record???? worked for me lol

  26. I can tell you how I got out of jury duty, but I am not sure it will work in your case.  I have a Service Dog, because I am Hearing Impaired. When I received the notice, I wrote back and said that my dog and I would be there.  They immediately sent me a letter excusing me.

    Actually, if I could have served, I would have.  You might find it a good experience, and employers are not allowed to fire you for your jury duty absence.

  27. Personally, I think its a good thing to have done.

    Most states allow you to defer a certain number of times.

  28. If ask you can be impartial say  no.

  29. I HAVE NO IDEA, WE HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM! lol--- just... kill yourself! only joking! urm, tell them u have kids to look after or something, but it most likely won't work, just hang on there..

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