
Best ways to save for a holiday!?

by  |  earlier

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Any tips...




  1. save all of ur change that you get!  I saved about $1,200 in one year.  Also you can try to buy year round.  You can go to stores when they have great sales and go ahead and buy a gift for someone and keep it put up until the holidays.  Also save up some cue pons.  Bath and body works usually has really good sales you just have to catch them.  Or you can just wait a couple of days after Christmas and then EVERYTHING will be on sell.  I hope this helps you! :)

  2. get  lots  of  envelope,put  money  in  it  ,daily or

       when you have it in your pocket................

    pretend  you    spent  it  already,

    put  it  away  and  forget  about  it...............................

  3. I'm exactly the same..going with friends.

    What i'm going to do is go in and see the bank manager to try and get a savings account where I put all my money in it but cannot get it out without going in and seeing my bank manager.

    (for spends)

    For paying for the actual holiday i'm just going to go down and pay it off as I go along :)

  4. Try

  5. Same as any day... don't spend your money on c**p.

  6. Piggy bank....

  7. As in saving for anything, put it away and do not touch it for any other reason. If you want a holiday badly enough you will save the money easily.

  8. dont tease urself

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