
Best ways to ward off nicknames?

by Guest34384  |  earlier

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If my baby due in 3 weeks is a girl, I am almost certain we will name her Genevieve. If she chooses a nickname when she is old enough, I won't correct her. But I want any other family or friends until that time to use her full name. Family members already say, "If you name her Genevieve, what are you going to call her?" It is only three syllables, it is not like it is Alexandria. And even if it was, shouldn't people respect what we want our child to be called? Makaylas, Sierras, and Julias all get the privilege of their three syllables, anyone had any experience with this problem? I appreciate any helpful advice. Thanks!




  1. Wow, that's an incredible name.

    I don't think you're being grouchy at all.

    I'd say when you introduce her to people you should say her full name and if you hear them calling her Geni, or what ever it may be, kindly correct them and say it's Genevieve. I'm sure if all else fails explaining the situation will suffice. I'm sure they'd understand.

  2. I have friends who choose not to be called by a shortened version of their name - and they simply say "My name is Elizabeth" or "Please call me Alexandra - it's my name." Most people are fine with it.

    My mom's name is Deborah - and the only one who calls her Debbie is her own mom. She prefers her full name - and it suits her. My mom rarely calls any of the kids by a nickname - it's Jennifer, Shannon and Daniel (she calls me Aili instead of Ailish as I prefer it). When she is in a cute mood she has special nicknames for us - that aren't shortened versions of our name, like sweetness, babydoll and other mom-isms.

    As for your daughter - I agree with the others who have said when someone calls her "Gen" or "Genny" simply state "her name is Genevieve." If you use her full name, they will too.

    It's pretty common among friends to shorten names - so once she gets to school, her friends may choose to call her Gen. If she prefers her full name - she may just correct them ;)

  3. Question: "If you name her Genevieve, what are you going to call her?"

    Answer: Genevieve

    And yes, they should respect what you want to call her.  She is YOUR daughter.  Ask them how much they'd like it if you nicknamed THEIR kid and disrespected their wishes and gave their child a nick-name because you can't be arsed to say the whole name.... then blame the little outburst above on being pregnant and cranky and make them live in fear of asking that dumb question again :-)

  4. Genevieve is a beautiful name and was my great grandmothers name! I may use it as a middle name one day.

    But anyway just tell them I would like you guys to call her by her full name until she is old enough to decide on what she wants to be called. You don't want to have her being called by many different names.

    Good luck and I wish you the best!

  5. Just makes sure that you always say her name is Genevieve, and if they call her some weird nickname try and correct them as nice as possible. Or, like someone else said, just explain about the nickname thing. Most of the time you only have to tell someone once. Plus as her mother, you'll set the example. If you call her Genevieve, then everyone else will call her Genevieve. It's just like how some men actually get called William while others are just Will. You just have to set the example and let people know that's her name.

  6. I think no matter what name you give her - she will eventually get a nickname. That doesn't mean people are disrespecting you. Nicknames are usually given as a sign of affection. You can call your little girl whatever you like, but most people probably won't always want to be so formal. Genevieve is a lovely name, but it is rather long. I imagine most people will try to shorten it to Genie or Genny, especially when she starts going to school. :-)

  7. I understand what you mean, my family has 4 girls and we all get called nicknames. (my sister Reba is called Rebs or GG, so you can't even escape it with a short name.) I think the best way is to tell people you want to call her Genevive and that you want her to reconize that that is her name before you start calling her anything. You don't want you child to be confused when she enters school and gets called by her real name because she hasn't heard it.

    I got in trouble in preschool because my mom said my name two different ways, Shaw-nee when she was talking to me and Sha-ha-nee when i was in trouble so when the teacher asked me how i said my name, i couldn't tell her. Its horrible, but you can use that as an excuse for having them say her full name.

  8. OUr daughter has a hyphenated first name and people (relatives, teachers, friends) asked if we wanted the whole name or just the first part.  Right from the start we said that it didn't matter.  

    However, if it did, we would have always called her by her first name and told teachers, etc. and nicely corrected people until it became second nature.

  9. ur a little grouchy dont u think? im sure even w/ other pple calling her nicknames, she will soon enough find a name she likes. it's not like she's getting forced to hav one.

  10. could be jen but gen, eve,genny,vi,evie(ee-v) congrats! and don't worry and genevieeve is pretty i would just ignore them or stand up for the need to get to defensive people are just curious.  the nicknames i wrote are possibilities as nicknames..i can't think of anything else so maybe seeing them will make you feel better if someone kept calling her by a nickname..or when she does want to be called by one..if she does.

  11. Some people just insist on nicknames.  I'm not big on nicknames, unless they happen naturally.  My son's name is Jonathan, and that's what I'm calling him.  My MIL asks me every time I see her what we're going to call him.  Just always use your daughter's full name, but you can't help it if some people call her something else.

  12. When people give her a nickname, just say please call her Genevieve. Eventually people will remember.

  13. You know what I have noticed?  The generations born in the 1940's - mid 1970's seem to insist on  shortening full names to nicknames.  For example, my husband is Gregory (he actually goes by Gregory), but when telemarketers call, they say, "Can I speak with Greg?"  Very annoying.

    Anyway, most people these days DO respect what the child is called.  For example, my friend's daughter is Kristina, and if anyone tries to shorten her name to Kristy (and it's usually the grandparents), my friend simply corrects  them ("Actually, we call her Kristina").  By the time she is about 2 yrs old, she will know that her name is Kristina,  and she will start correcting people herself.  There's nothing more off-putting than being corrected by a 2-yr-old!

    This nickname thing is so annoying.  My daughters are Anastasia (whom we call Stacey simply because so many people mispronounce her real name -- /ah-nah-STAH-see-ya/) and Maria, and a few acquaintenances already ask, "Maria?  What are you going to call her?"  I know it's 3 syllables, but jeez -- it's only 5 letters long!  How lazy can you be?  

    When they ask, "What are you going to call her," just state flatly "Genevieve."  If they ask why or whine that the name is too long, tell them, "Because I think it is a lovely name, and it would be a shame to shorten it. Don't you agree?"   They can't tell you that no, it's not a lovely name, so they shut up.

    Genevieve is a gorgeous name, by the way.  It's on our short list :)

  14. My name is Kathryn, my little bro is Robert and my baby bro was Michael...   Not Kathy, not Bobby, not Mike....  

    I have girls, Jennifer, Angela and Veronica... that is what they are called.  You call the child what you want to, and if someone tries to narrow Genevieve (beautiful name by the way) then you correct them and tell them what my mom used to say:

    "If I'd wanted her called Gen, I'd have named her Gen."  or whatever.  LOL.  it worked in the 1960's...  Of COURSE you can help it what other people call your child.  It's your child, and your wishes for her.  Other people need to have respect for the parents of the child, and follow suit.  

    I'm called Kate now, because Kathy is WAY too common a name, and Kathryn is stuffy.  Kate suits me.

    If your child does not answer to the nickname they will stop using it.

  15. Just be firm in your beliefs. When somebody in your family refers to your daughter as "Genny", firmly correct them "No, my daughter's name is not Genny, it is Genevieve." Hopefully they will respect your desires, as you are her mother. Besides, she will be so flippin' adorable, they won't care what they call her, because she is the newest addition to your wonderful family.

    Congratulations! I think Hunter and Genevieve is a wonderful pair =)

  16. Why do you care so much? It'll still be Genevieve on the role sheet.

  17. Tell them to call her Genevieve..

  18. it doesn't matter

    people will always call her what they want and what they like

    i have a friend named Genevieve and everyone called or Gen or Geni

    my name is samantha and evryone calls me sam or sami including my mum.

    Genevieve is a lovely name


  19. Just tell them that you want her to pick her own nickname when she is ready to and you are going to call her what you named her. Beautiful name by the way.

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