
Best weapon?.......???????

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Best weapon?.......???????




  1. MA-Duce!! M-2 .50 to all you pouges! Heavy as h**l, though, but fun! Chop people in half a mile away.

  2. tomahawk cruise missile -- settles your disputes rather quickly.

  3. your enemy's.

  4. The best weapon a person can have is their own intelligence.

    Which based on your question means unfortunately you're unarmed.

  5. A Marine and his Rifle

  6. The thing that's pulling the trigger. (the soldier)

  7. for what scenario?  you talking about dropping bombs, firing cruise missiles, or shooting bullets out of a rifle?  or are you talking about lobbing grenades?

    in my opinion, the best weapon on the battlefield is the M2 / .50caliber machine gun

  8. SCAR

  9. god, weapons are useless with god

  10. As far as a gun goes i would personally pick the Styer AUG u can change it to practically anything a support weapon, a assualt rifle even a sniper!

  11. It's an old 3rd world country weapon by now, but I would have to say the AK47 because it was very reliable, easy to use, and in a way you can say  it's changed history.  

  12. Mk19

  13. AK-47

  14. AA-12

  15. my trigger finger... it also doubles as my safety

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