
Best wishes to India from the UK?

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I'm interested in India's ability to become a future superpower, alongside China.

India has many advantages over China in its ability to surpass the Chinese and become the dominant superpower in the latter half of the 21st century. From the top of my head, I have listed a few advantages I believe the Indians have over the Chinese:

- India's population is predicted to overtake the Chinese population in size by approximately 2030.

- India's population is far younger than the Chinese population, therefore allowing India to field a larger workforce than China. This is mainly due to China's one child policy.

- India has the world's second largest english speaking population after the USA. Foreign companies, particularly Western companies, may choose to invest in India as a result.

- India is the world's largest democracy, in terms of population. India's emphasis on democracy and human rights in contrast to Chinese undemocratic authoritarianism, has ensured India retains better relations with Western countries than China. For example, unlike China, India now has access to Western military technology from the US and Europe in particular.

India has taken advantage of it's healthy relations with the West over the past few decades by purchasing French Scorpene submarines and the hugely expensive Mirage 2000. Combined with the latest Russian MiG-29s and Su-30s, including the advanced Su-30MKI, India retains a technological advantage over the Chinese military.

Although smaller than the Chinese navy, the PLAN, the Indian Navy maintains blue-water capabilities with an aircraft carrier. The Chinese PLAN is largely outdated and lacks an aircraft carrier, whilst the Indian Navy has plans to introduce greater numbers of aircraft carriers in the near future.

As mentioned before, alongside India's latest Scorpene submarines purchased from France, the Indian Navy maintains a moderate fleet of Russian Kilo class submarines. The Indians also plan to introduce greater numbers of nuclear powered submarines (SSNs) in the near future.

Best wishes from the UK!




  1. I agree with you, India is the best(although I am a Indian who now lives in AUS) but the thing is the only restraints India has is it's population and poverty!

  2. lol

  3. I hope we can build a strong relationship with India and continue to prosper together. However I do regret that the rise of fuel and food prices are going to hit India especially hard in the coming years as it continues to grow and consume more and more. I think the country which faces up to these challenges and heavily invests in renewable technologies will infact become the worlds next superpower.

    Farewell from the UK!

  4. All valid points there, especially the English speaking advantage. Their education system is also top rate. The Indian Institutes of Technology,  7 all up, produce arguably the best trained technology/engineering students in the greatest numbers on Earth. Competition to get in is fierce because of the population. Many graduates have continued study at Ivy League Universities in the US and breezed through post-graduate courses. A country with alot of engineers is a hallmark of progress.

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