
Best workout video??????????

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What workout videos has everyone tried and what works? What's fun and effective? I need something to do at home for the coming winter.




  1. My favorite is Tae Bo!  I have been doing it for years.  It is a lot of fun and it will kick your butt!  You will tone up every part of your body (if you do it regularly, of course).  But, you will start to notice a difference in just days.

  2. What types of exercise are you interested in? Yoga, pilates, cross circuit, kickboxing...?  There are soooo many videos out there.  Also, are you a beginner, intermediate, or advanced exerciser?

    My favorite DVDs right now are all the fun Turbo Jam videos (cardio including kickboxing, dance, and martial arts moves) and 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels.  Hers is a killer!!!  Not exactly fun but very effective.  It's a 20 minute workout that has 3 circuits - 3 min strength, 2 min cardio, 1 min abs.

    I also have yoga, pilates, and callanetics DVDs.  The crunch yoga/pilates dvds are pretty good.  I find them a bit too easy though.  Lastly, I just started Kundalini yoga videos with Ravi Singh and Ana Brett.  These are awesome!!  

    I suggest going to amazon dot com and searching for the bestselling videos and read the reviews.

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