
Best yo mama joke u heard?

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i heard:

yo mama so fat she sweats butter and syrup and she got a full-time job at dennys wiping pancakes across her forehead

yo mama's teeth so crooked,her tongue thinks he is in jail

yo mama soo FAT she sat on a quarter and squeeze a bogger out of george washington's nose

WHich ones have you been hearing?




  1. if your brains were in a hummingbird you woiuld suck a mule's @ss for a morning glory

  2. yo momma so fat she fell in love and broke it

  3. I haven't heard any of them

    They were pretty good too!!!!!

    Good Job!!!

  4. Yo momma so slow...She cant cook minute rice

  5. Yo momma so fat, when her beeper went off, people thought a truck was backing up.

  6. all stupid.  but still funny...i've heard the last one lots of times.

    the best one i've ever heard is "yo mama is so old they told her to act her age.....and she died"

    and "yo mama is so fat it takes a train and two buses to get on her good side"

    and the last one "yo mama is so fat she put on a pair of bvd's and by the time she got them on they spelled boulevard"

  7. yo mama is like a bus, shes big, she smells bad, and only a $1 to ride - gd eh?    =P

  8. Yo mama is so poor, She strips at Chuckie Cheese for tokens.

  9. Yo Mama so stupid she went to a mind reader and after 5 min, they gave her her money back!!!

  10. Ooo I got some! I like the ones you heard,never heard them before but they're still funny but stupid :D

    The ones I heard:

    Yo mama so stupid she went on A Send Yo Mama Joke's here and posted her own joke of herself!

    yo momma’s so fat that when she sat on a rainbow, skittles came out.

    yo momma so fat that she use bacon flavoured lipgloss

    Yo momma is so old, she squirts powdered milk out her nipples.

    Yo momma so dumb she tried to put out a fire hydrant

    LOL ;]

  11. Your momma is so old she lifted up her boobie and a pilgrim fell out.

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