
Bestfriend became my boyfriend, & now everything is messed up?

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I know it's realllllly long, but it would mean a lot if you read this and helped me. I have no idea what to do anymore. [*=these names are made up]

My best friend Josh*, of two years has been in love with me the whole time we were friends, he always used to constantly tell me so. He lives down my block so we're always at each other's houses and hanging out. He's seen me at my worst, and i dont care at all how i look around him, hes my best guy friend. I had some troubles with my boyfriend, Andrew*, and Josh helped me through it. In the end, i knew that Josh and I are basically meant to be, so i just brokeup with Andrew and told Josh that i was finally ready; he'd been waiting for 2 years, and now i finally realized how much i really liked him. We went out for about a month, in which i did not see him once, we were both on vacation. We constantly fought over texting, it was so stupid. I said that maybe we should take a break until we saw eachother again, and he said, "yea there's no point if i dont like you. so im breaking up with you." (which doesn't really make sense when you think about it because i was breaking up with HIM when he said that.. lol). But it doesn't matter. He started saying things like how much he wanted me out of his life, and how i complicated his life so much since we met. He ignored my calls/texts for about two weeks, until one of my friends talked to him, and he forgave me. [There wasn't really anything for him to forgive me for, but i'm basically saying that he said we're "okay".]

We used to talk everyday, and now i'm the one who always has to text him, or call him first. We used to hang out every day, and when we weren't together we'd be on the phone. So after not talking to him for about a week, i texted him today. We were talking normally, even though he wasn't really giving any real answers, and finally i was just like, "what's the matter, i thought you said we're okay?" and he's like "we're ok. bye." and i said, "bye?? why.." and he said "because." so i said something about how it seems like he's trying to start something with me, when that's what he got mad at me for in the first place. He said "Stop f*cking texting me. bye."

So after this long story, i thank you for actually reading it. He obviously is still mad at me for "complicating his life," which is so ridiculous. I miss him so much, what do you think i should do?




  1. He is  a nut job

    Stop  Calling /Texting

    Get  a better boyfriend

    your so called Best friend has problems.

  2. my opinion: hes not worth c**p. my advice: talk to him face to face and if he still cuts you off just say something like im done with this. your not worth my time anymore and walk off. if he doesn't call you back he might still think about what and *** he made of himself

  3. i understand want you shoud stop calling him and texting because it sounds like he don't know what he wants it's like hes playing games just give him space try and move on with your life. if he really likes you as much as he say he would make things right for now don't call him let him di the calling you did enough  

  4. well, it seems like he enjoyed the chase for you, but now its not as exciting.  Considering you guys didn't actually see each other when you were supposedly going out, I don't see how you could consider that a relationship.

    Sounds like he may be going through something and is taking it out on you.  The other option is that he's quickly become a jerk.

    My advice would be to back off for a bit and take some time away, from seeing/texting/talking to him.  If he wants to start up contact again, let him initiate it.   Hopefully time will help him get over whatever  his problem is.  Good luck.  Keep yourself busy in the meantime, and find some other friends to hang out with for the time being.

  5. Alright...well first of all, you're too good for this Josh character.  I believe that you made the mistake of breaking up with Andrew, because you really had no reason to do so.  But okay, onto your question.  You should just get over him.  He is obviously an *** hole, and doesn't deserve to have you in his life.  You made no mistakes in your relationship to get him how he is, but he acts this way anyways.  Just move on, you'll find someone better.  Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth.  Goood luck.

  6. Hes playing with your feelings. Just let him go as hard as it may be and just try to keep yourself busy by doing other things and you won't have to think about him.  He just wants you to chase him.  So just ignore him and maybe he will come around and maybe he wont, but either way just pretend like he wont.

  7. You don't need to be his punching bag.

    Obviously he is quite stupid and immature, for now anyway.

    Give him some time so he can grow out of it and forget what an a$$ he was (guys are quite good at forgetting the dumb stuff they do) and then MAYBE you can be friends again.

    He is obviously not boyfriend material.

    Honestly, I would forget him and meet some nice people instead.  He sounds like a d**k.

  8. i think he's scared to death of making a commitment and getting hurt. i think you should talk to him about it and reassure him that you'd never hurt him and he'd be ok

  9. heres wat u shuld do:

    text : i wish we were never friends ....i

    then h**l say sorry and plz answer back...wich makes him want you  a lil more....

    then like in a week say fine....lets be friends again.....

    but if u want to be a couple again...:

    like u know how girls make there ex's jealous and all tha c**p?

    well do that...[without using a boy]

    like wherea you hear down and curly near the bottom[loosecurls]

    and wear like short stuff  and strapless shirts...

    and if u like see him in starbucks at something and ur with ur girlfriends look at him when hes gazing at you and roll ur eyes like ur fed up with him and start talking and laughing with them...

    then h**l eventually say : hey[your name] can we talk?

    then go the park or sumthing  and hopefully things will turn good for u....


                                                           wink wink ~.^ ~.^

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