
Bet u never thoughta this?

by  |  earlier

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if adam and eve were WHITE where did black ppl come from?also all caveman drawings are white cavemen,so where did black ppl come from?AND what did the world thin kwhen the 1st black guy was here?HOLYSHIT its jesus!!!!lol




  1. Well, aren't YOU just the aspiring anthropologist!  When you get to college, take an ANTH class and you will have these deep and insightful questions answered.  

  2. Well; the real answer remains a certain mystery.... but my professional guess is that among the offspring and all of their offspring.... there was a mutation... or it was that they migrated towards Africa, and the sun was very hot so it dyed there skin.... And when the first black man arrived....... i guess it just happened like history... 1 black guy 2 4 8 that kind of thing. Soon it was pretty common. Im guessing you're white...

  3. According to popular theories regarding evolution, we can all trace our roots back to Africa, where we were all black.  It was those early humans that migrated north that lost their skin pigmentation, largely due to the fact that it was colder and less sunny where they went (Europe).  So to answer your question, it wasn't the first baby born black, it was the first baby born white.

  4. Yeah, i've never thought of that.

    But, I do have answer for you.

    The change in skin color came from adaptation.  As the population grows, people moved all over the part of the world.  In some place it's hot, some very cold.  This adaptation happens little by little.  The skin color change very little at a time.  That's why no one notice.  Thousands of years passed, now you have people with different skin color.  Each of different type, originate in different part of the world.

    People never notice the very first black guy.  Like I've said, the color changes little by little.  By the time the baby was born black, people around him are already almost black.


  5.   What the heck is a question (statement) like this doing in the gambling department?

  6. Wrt the previous answerer, I wondered that too...however, I bet the questioner is a total tool for asking this question.

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