
Bet wetting again?! What the?!?

by  |  earlier

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I am 16 and for the first time since I was about 11, i wet the bed. It has happened 2 nights this week. I don't drink pop at night, I avoid drinking too much at night, and I use the restroom before i go to sleep.

I am worried because there are heart problems in my family. I also heard that people with heart problems can have some bladder control issues. My uncle died before he turned 12 months old. That was the only known extreme case and quite possibly a birth defect, but i am worried.

Should I consult a doctor?




  1. You might be a deep sleeper.  

    Do you ever dream that you have to go to the restroom?  If so.. when you dream your brain is trying to tell you to wake up and go.

    Good luck.  

  2. yes go get checked out by a doctor even if it is nothing it might be something so get checked out

  3. What are you waiting for?

  4. f you fell you should,go to a doctor and ask him for information about heart problems and ask him why this happened

  5. It could be medical, or maybe something is upsetting you.

    see the links below for more information.

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