
Bet you get this a lot, what short verse would you want on your grave marker (or urn or drawer?)?

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  1. "This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper" - T.S. Eliot (But I think I'm just going to end up getting a tattoo of that one rather than having it on my grave).

    "Til human voices wake us, and we drown" - T.S. Eliot

  2. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

    ~1 Corinthians 15:26

  3. Don't Try

    (I'm a Bukowski fan.)

  4. This grave may say rest in peace,

    but rest I wont while some still stand,

    for I died a real woman not  a fake man.

  5. "some books are meant to be tasted, others are to be swallowed, and some are meant to be chewed and digested thoroughly."


    I love this quote :D

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