
Beta Fish Help?

by  |  earlier

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Hi everyone,

I've had a very happy beta for about 2 months now. He always swam around and made bubble nests. To me, this was an indication that he was happy. But he's suddenly stopped. He's become very lethargic and not too interested in food. (I even tried switching out his food to blood worms).

I keep in him a large bowl on my bedstand and i give him plenty of love. What could it be? Boredom? Is he Cold? I was thinking of buying a 2.5 gallon tank...please help.

thanks in advance




  1. ...not blowing bubble nests is not serious is normal

    ....add him some floating plant like java moss, he will enjoy the smells and tastes, plus he has a nice soft place to settle down at night and rest

    ....maybe when you can add another bowl, with a female, he will flare up and blow more bubbles (yes, he will)

  2. You are exactly right, he is cold and you should get him a 2.5 gallon with a heater and slow flowing filter. In a bowl the temperature is not steady and ammonia is building up too fast. Unsteady temperature weakens there immune system and ammonia (from waste) is deadly to fish. Any betta owner will tell you how much happier their betta was after they switched to a 2.5 gallon with a heater and filter.

    Good Luck!

  3. you really should buy the tank. a five gallon would be even better. if your gonna spend money on a new tank, then migh as well get one that will make your betta even happier!!

    but here are some tips to help your fish...

    first raise the temp to the high 70's or low 80's.

    do small water changes every other day for a couple of weeks, then u can return to normal water changes when the fish seems better.

    dont only feed bloodworms... occasionally give a blanched and peeled pea, or maybe normal flakes and pellets occasionally.

    get a live plant.

    if it doesnt get better (especially when you get the new tank) then it is probably sick. look for signs of fungus, or parasites.

  4. Have you changed rock/gravel/ tank arrangments lately? Something must be stressing him.

    I would feed him two pellets in the day, and a droplet of flash frozen, thawed out blood worms at night. About 5 or so.

    He'll scarf those right up, you may also want to try other live fry, betta's are carnivorious and will eat any live fry.

    You may need to put a lamp above his water, or get a bowl buddy heater. If not, switch him to a 3-5 gallon tank with a carbon filter and bio wheel and some form of heater whether it be light or an actual heater.

    Hope that helps, my crowntail did this too and a few days of resting he perked right back up...good luck.

  5. you need to clean his tank every week

    and that would be a goos idea to get him a bigger tank and they love to hide and to nest in plants

  6. he vould very well be cold.... gt him a 5g tank and heater ..... a 2.5g is kinda small but if you cannot get larger i guess itll have to do =]

  7. making buble nests are normal. it's a sign for mating. male betas usually make bubble nestes so when the female betta lays eggs he can put it up in his nest.

    it's normal that he had stopped maing them. but stop eating is another thing. you should prolly try to get the water warmer or feed it varietys of food. or maybe your fih bowl isnt big enough for it and it's getting depressed. try finding it another tank and feed it varites of food.
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