
Beta Fish has Skin Disease?

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There are lots of varying views as to whether or not fish feel pain. My fish is really sick and I have tried everything I can to make him better. But I don't know what the next best course of action should be. Should I hope he can't feel pain and let him live out the rest of his days, or should I put an end to his misery- and if this is what I should do, how does one go about putting a fish down?




  1. There is no easy way to "euthanize" a fish, other than flushing them down the toilet.  The best thing you can do is provide a great place for the fish to spend the rets of its days, and let it pass away on its own.  I thought my betta was dying, so I bought him a 5 gallon tank, with a heater and he is the only fish in there.  That was 4 months ago and hes still alive and a lot better.  So try that, make the last days of your bettas life good ones, or send it on the big toilet ride to the pond in the sky.

  2. If you're absolutely positive it won't make it (what exactly is wrong with it? please be more specific than "skin disease"), using clove oil is a good choice.  It basically shuts the fish down-- they will not feel it, and as far as they know, they'll just be falling asleep.  Using 12 mL of clove oil per 3 gallons of water will be sufficient, and this must be followed by either using CO2 producing agents (Alka-Seltzer, Vodka, other hard liquor) or freezing.

  3. A simple flush always works good.

  4. fish can get really sick umm maybe you can take him to the vet and see how that goes.

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