
Beta fish bladder problem? floating on side please help!!?

by  |  earlier

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ive had a a beta fish for a few months now i received it from people who didn't care for it at all. when i noticed today that hes been swimming very weird and crazy and when i watch him he stops at the top of the water and begins to slowly float onto his side. he has been eating fine. i feed him flakes and blood worms. could this be a bladder or digestive problem please help




  1. it could be either. my goldfish had the same problem a few weeks ago. I gave my goldfish a thawed pea and the next morning she was fine and swimming normal again. swim bladder problems are caused by many things. try and pea first if that doesn't work it could be caused by something else. I hope your betta gets better soon.  

  2. It sounds to be a swim bladder problem. If you thaw out a pea, take the shell off and break it into pieces that he can eat and feed him 1 pea a day.

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