
Beta question (part2)

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys,

So i finally bought my beta a 1.5 gallon tank. It has a filter, light, plants and all. The only thing i need to know is how to introduce him. He doesnt seem too happy in his bowl now.. He floats on top most of the day... The temperature in my house is about 76 during the day and 71 at night. Should i buy a heater?

what are the steps i should take to make my little guy happy again and how do i introduce him into the new tank?




  1. The main thing to introducing a fish to a new tank is to make sure the water temperature is very close to what it is in the original tank.

    I am assuming that the "bowl" you betta is in now does not have a filter, so it is not cycled. If this is the case, just make sure the temp is close to the same, and transfer him.

  2. Put him in a zippy bag and float him in the new tank. Have the bag be filled with water from his bowl. After 30 minutes or so add some water from the new tank into his bag, After another 30 minutes you can open the bag in the water and let him swim out. Good luck!=)

  3. Good for you on getting your betta a bigger container.  1.5 gallons is still a little small, but you're getting there.  Do as Some1 suggested and put your betta in a bag with some of his tank water and float him in the new tank and add a bit of the new water and then some more after 30 minutes or so and then let him swim out after another 30 minutes.  

    Yes, you should get a heater.  There are small heaters available for small tanks, but you can also use other methods to warm up tanks this small, such as placing a heating pad beneath the tank.  Just make sure you have a good temperature guage on the tank and watch carefully to make sure that the temperature is right and you don't cook your fish while you're trying to get the temp. adjusted correctly!  It's best to play around with the heater while the betta is not in the tank!

    Here is a link to one of the smallest heaters I know of:

  4. you can buy a heater but it will only come on if the temp drops.put the fish in a plastic bag with the water from where it is already and float it on the tank water for 10 mins

  5. 1.5 gallon is too small to safely use a heater.  But the problem is that Bettas are tropical fish and do best at temps between 76-82.  It usually takes a heater in order to maintain that temperature.  So a larger tank (over 2.5 gallons) would be the best solution.
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