
Beta question?

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can you leave a male and female beta in the same tank? i mean permanently? i feel bad for my male beta...he just looks so lonely in that big tank all by himself?Thanks




  1. Nope. You can only do that, if you want them to spawn

  2. One gallon is too small for any fish, including a Betta.

    For Bettas to live to their potential, they need proper care.

    1. A 5-gallon tank is minimal for Betta health. Smaller tanks and bowls do not maintain a consistent temperature, and it's nearly impossible to keep healthy water conditions.

    2. While a filter is not necessary for a betta if frequent water changes are done, it's a good idea in any tank in order to keep the water aerated and free of toxins.

    Also, very frequent water changes stress the fish.

    3. A heater is essential. Bettas need warm steady temperatures to thrive. Constant fluctuation leads to stress, which inevitably leads to disease and often death.

    BTW, Bettas have been known to live for 10 years. I have personally known them to live for 6. These poor fish are abused by uneducated people who plop them in a small container, feed them, and then proclaim that they don't live more than a year or 2. Gee, I wonder why.

    You can not house 2 male Bettas togeather. They will fight to the death.

    If you have an appropriately sized tank, (10+ gallons,) you can house multiple females together, but only in odd numbers to deter aggression.  

    If you must keep anything in the tank, I suggest a snail, but most of them require a heater as well.

    For more Betta info:

  3. No way! They can't! Thats why they die. If they fight though... If you wanna put two Beta Fish together then get a tank called Two-Tank!  It holds any kind of small fish and it has sorta of a non-clear middle to put between if they are fighting. I think why they made it was 'cause its alot of money to buy two tanks. So i guess they put two tanks in one. Hope that helped!

  4. NO.....

    the male will kill the female. i have both a male and a female beta fish and i found a aquarium that is small that has a divider in it which allows you to put a female on one side and the male on the other. This makes the male more active while not allowing him to kill the female.

  5. How big is your tank'? They tend to fight with the female betta also. You can only keep 2 female betta's together . If you have 10 gallon tank you can put a zebra danio or a fish that can swim fast so the betta will refuse to attack it. I  had a 20 gallon tank with a betta and a  gourami and 2 angelfish  and they got along just fine.

  6. No, do not put a female betta in the tank permanently. They will fight and usually the female loses, however they can have (depending on the size of the tank) tankmates. Good tankmates are cory catfish, mollies, shrimp, platies, loaches, and I have had success with an african dwarf frog.

    EDIT: Since it's only a one gallon, then definately nothing else can go in there, it's really not even big enough for the betta.
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