
Betta Compatible Tank Mates?

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I have a male Betta in a 1 gallon tank (I know pretty small). He looks lonely and i wanted to know if there was anything compatible yet that would fit comfortably. I have read about neon tetras and ghost shrimp but I have also read they need a tank of 10+ gallons.




  1. 1 gallon is way too small for more than one betta. Get a 10g first. A common tankmate for bettas is cories.

  2. Rule of thumb is, one inch of fish for every gallon of water- so you beta is probably not very comfortable as he is now, let alone if you got him a buddy.

    If you really want to get him a friend, first you need to get, at least, a 10 gallon tank- and you know, the essentials: heater, filter, airstones, etc...

    Should you do this, there are many fish that would be good for your beta... bottom dwelling sucker fish(like plecos), cory catfish, and danios are usually good choices.

    Watch out for angel fish, and any fish that have flowing fancy tails like betas- since betas may see this as a potential threat to their space.(Mollies and most tetras aren't good choices because they are fin nippers)

    Also be aware that some betas just will not tolerate other fish in their 'territory' so for those betas any fish smaller than it will get picked on, and if a fish is too big to get picked on the beta might 'sulk.'

  3. no. your fish's tank is wayyy to msall for him alone. alone he needs a 5gallon filtered, heated tnak. for thankmates he needs a 10 gellon filtered heated tank

  4. in you have a ten gallon tank you can put guppies in with the betta fish

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