
Betta Fish Help...!!??

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I've had a male betta fish (fighting fish) for about 4 years. At first when I got him he would swim a lot and rest very rarely. I've been noticing lately that he's just been laying on the floor of his tank., on the rocks..for most of the day. Or just laying on the leaves of his plants. I'm getting worried that he might be ill or maybe just getting there anything i can do to make him happier or anything i could buy.?? I know you cant put two males in a tank..but could I buy a bigger tank and place him with a female.??

Thank you.! [:




  1. I would give him a female. I had  2 male betta fish at first I put them each in a small fish tank becaz I heard they fight. And when I put them in my big, big fish tank they fought. Why I'm saying this, I suggest don't buy an male with another male. Buy a female. He'll like that. I wouldn't suggestion buying a bigger fish tank because they only swim on there "terroity" or section of the fish tank (fish aren't "explorers"). Also put a mirror infront of him. That make him jump, and unrestless for awhile till you buy another fish.

    I hope these help. ^^

  2. I'd get him a female.  I even had my betta in with 3 tiger barbs for 4 months and they just played and played.  They never once hurt each other.  He probably just needs some company.

  3. Don't put him with another betta, even a female.  The female may very well attack him and injure him, especially if he's getting older or not feeling well.  I take it that he has a filter and a heater in there.  You might try putting him with another something, like a snail or a ghost shrimp, or a little feeder guppy just in case he's getting bored with life.  He might eat the ghost shrimp, but that would still be something new and interesting for him and they are a nutritious food for fish and don't cost much.  Have you tried getting him a new kind of food as a treat or a new plant for his tank?  He may very well be getting old and just be more tired than usual, but that's no reason not to try to perk him up a bit.  :)  

  4. I've had about 3 bettas over the course of my aquarium experience.  Most of them lived to be about 3 to 4 years but they get old.  It's about time for it go, perhaps it has less energy than before.

    Perhaps you could provide a pump and air stone to improve water quality or an airstone to improve oxygen levels.  

    best of luck

  5. Getting him a female probably won't do anything. Because of his age, he doesn't have the urge to mate, or the ability. Bettas are pretty independant fish, so having an other fish wouldn't make much of a difference. He has lived a very long time, since most pet store bettas are already around a year or 2 when they are sold, and your has lived for 4 years, he is very old. And that means you must have been caring for him very well if he has lived that long.

    I think maybe he is trying to tell you that he is dying. Just make him confortable until he dies. Know that you gave him a great life and that I'm sure he is very greatful for it,

  6. Yeah I agree with the first answer he needs some company.

  7. your betta is getting old.. or to say that he is very old now is more accurate.. with proper care betta usually live up to 3 years.. horray!! for you for taking great care for your betta as this hardy fish is usually kept in poor condition by others.. your betta surely thanking you for that..

    if u keep betta in a big tank with plants, driftwood etc. you can actually paired your betta with female as the female has place to hide when the guy gets grumpy.. i once kept my male betta with 7 females and dozens of wild guppy (which i caught from the drain) in my 3' landscaped aquarium.. i dont use any pump/filter.. i managed to breed this fish (however most of them ended as live food for my giant

    garoumi when nobody want to keep them).. now i dont keep betta anymore but i still have my garoumi.      

  8. Sorry to say ..but a 4 yr old betta is getting pretty old...the life span for them is 3-5 yrs with good care so it maybe thathe is just wearing out....sorry...good luck.

  9. You can't put any fish not even a female with a male betta. Just put maybe some ghost shrimp in there with him.

    Also he's probably dying. That's about how long a betta will live is 4 years.

  10. At 4 years your betta is nearing the end of his lifespan, they typically live about 3-5 years so it sounds like he's just getting old and tired.

    Do not get him another female betta,  males and females can, will, and do kill each other.  Your just asking for trouble if you do that as they should only be together while mating and even then you need to remove the female right after.

    You can try housing him with something like a mystery snail, ghost shrimp, or any docile, non-long finned brightly hued fish.  So rasboras, danios, neon tetras, killiefish, etc.

  11. wow if you had this betta for over 4 years than your a great pet owner but i do agree with others that he's probably bored with life or just getting old, sorry but if everything else is correct than those are the only possibilitys.

  12. It's most likely just old age.  I wouldn't recommend getting a female because even males and females fight, and given your betta's age, the female would probably win and you don't want that.  You can put other fish with bettas as long as they don't resemble bettas (for instance you shouldn't put a fancy guppy with a betta b/c the betta will see it's long flowy tail and attack thinking it's another betta).  At your betta's age I wouldn't recommend putting anything else with him because it may stress him out and shorten the time you have left with him.  

  13. You could certainly keep him in a PEACEFUL (not nippy or boisterous) community aquarium provided there was enough room and hiding places/territories for each of the fish in question. His tankmates would make things more interesting, but only if they don't pose a threat to him. If he perceives them as a threat it will stress him and only make him less likely to be active.

    There have been male bettas kept for over 10 years when kept under controlled conditions -- they were kept singly in large aquariums and daily "exercise" (they would spar with a wooden rod). Walt Maurus discusses this in his book "Bettas: A Complete Introduction".  

  14. Be grateful you've had it as long as you've had. As you've read i'm sure the life span is 3 to 5 years. I would continue to keep it's routine, but if it's not eating as much make sure to not over feed. I would also suggest NOT putting anything else with it. Adding something won't make it happy , but it might add stress thus prolonging or speeding up the natural process. Good luck. Loosing anything (including fish) is never easy
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